When you look in the mirror, whose voices do you hear?


When you look in the mirror, whose voices do you hear?

When we look at ourselves in the mirror, we hear different voices in our head. “you are not pretty”, “ You have a weird nose”, “Your eyes are too small or big”, “you need to lose weight”, “You are not intelligent enough”

Where are these voices coming from? Are these words you tell yourself or are these the words from the past that are always on “play” in your head?

As we are growing up, our subconscious mind records and stores the words and the emotions attached to those words about ourselves and we begin to believe those to be true about ourselves. We may have gone on to become adults but the inner child within us still feels the pain from hearing those harsh words and is still walking around wounded from those unhealed emotions. These emotions and beliefs about ourselves, when triggered, come up to the surface.

We can start to put on a mask of feeling good about ourselves but until and unless the wounds on the inner child are not acknowledged and healed, time and again, the wounds will surface up and stop us from moving forward in our lives, in the form of unhealthy relationships with ourselves and the people around us.

There are various healing modalities that can be used to work with the inner child to become more conscious about ourselves so that we can be more conscious about our parenting.

“You are stupid”!

How many of us have heard that from a parent, teacher or a spouse? 

How many of us end up believing this?? when we hear a figure of authority in our lives tell us that, at some point our subconscious begins to believe it ! This results in us behaving clumsily in the presence of the person who tells you that and eventually even in the absence of that person. For many of us it takes years of self healing and practicing self love to release the negative beliefs that we have formed about ourselves as a result of verbal abuse.

It is very important to have a positive self image. You have to love yourself unconditionally, you have to find your personal power. What I tell my clients is that when someone talks to them like that, it just means that the person saying these negative things is actually insecure about himself or herself in some way and is looking to see how he or she could make someone else feel miserable as a way to remove the frustration of his or her own incapabitlity or insecurity in some areas. So the key is every time someone says that to you, you can be sure that the person saying it feels that you are in some way better than them and they are not happy about it. 

So don’t believe people when they tell you that “you are stupid”! because you are NOT!!